Ode to your Soul

Welcome to my homepage. The image of the picture was captured during my trip to Melbourne in October 2007.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Having the right attitude is everything
I said to him "there is one thing that your dad and mum cannot teach you... do you know what is it ?". He shook his head. I told him "that is having the right attitude always be it in workplace or studying for an examination.
I coined to him that you could have the best ingredients to cook a dish to your girlfriend, the best tips from a master chef and the most fresh seafood, you could still fail if you do not have the right attitude to do it. I further illustrated that supposed three men were given the same kind of ingredients, same instructions on how to cook and coached by the same chef; somehow the end product will be different. The rationale behind one should question is whether all three men did put their heart and soul into cooking the prescribed dish or not. Henceforth, I highlighted to him that having the right attitude is everything whether you put all your heart and soul working on it, the end product can tell a story.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Prayer on "The Power of your Subconscious Mind"
"My body and all its organs were created by the infinite intelligence in my sub-conscious mind. It knows how to heal me. Its wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles and bones. This infinite healing presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect now. I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place now. Wonderful ave the works of the creative intelligence within me."
It is a strong affirmative prayer. Try it.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Being Clinical and Assertive in Work
Shah nodded his head and agreed tacitly as I was droving to our training pitch for a street soccer game.
After the game, I was given the rave as " Man of the Match" for being scoring the most number of goals (in double digit) in the game and for a truly outstanding performance. I was a little surprised about my performance that day as I am often utilised as a defender to stop goal instead of scoring goal. I rarely have the occasion to show my shooting prowess in front of goal.
On the way back, I shared with Shah that both " Clinical" and "Assertive" are different words but they have a common meaning to me as it expressed the term "oozing with confidence". When I highlighted the word "Assertive" to Shah, I explained that knowing decisively what to do next in a split second whether to shoot left or right corner to score a goal is important.
I shared that being "clinical" and "assertive" in my work have helped me to inspire my fellow subordinates to work better and more efficient towards the congruent of the organisational goal. It has helped to make fast decision and cut down time wastage.
Lastly, I opined to Shah that although "clinical" and "assertive" are important in my area of work, not running into being hubris is equally important. One must possesses an openness mind to accept criticism.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
What do you do when you challenge life, life always wins ?
Would you be despair and begin to give up hope easily... ...
Think about it. Life is too short for any regret or despair. This is a tell sign that you need to change your attitude or ways of doing things or change an old habit.
Slowly and surely, after you have changed your attitude, ways of conducting business or change an old habit. Things seem to change. Life suddenly begins to support you. It is too similar to an old saying " In every obstacle, there lies an opportunity." An opportunity that arrives disguised as an obstacle or a disaster often bind us to see the truth. It is all about your attitude. How you handle life is what you make out what life will bring to you.
So always start today with a positive mindset. I always say the following phrase to myself and it has kept me going through the years :
Problems are only challenges;
Obstacles are only lessons in life;
Impossibles are only imitation.
Begin take charge of your life NOW !
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Adieu Honourable Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
In my opinion,he is not just one of the most poignant figures but one that has made an impact and is an influential man of the century.
His teaching has been simple : to end poverty and teach people how to discover personal fulfilment.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's first global tour began in 1958, from which time, his techniques and programs have been taught worldwide. He became famous (real fame) in the Western world in part due to interactions with The Beatles and other celebrities. Many at that times, are ready to step forward to get a dose of spiritual bliss though not all were celebrities.
According to The Economist (Feb 16th 2008) issue, all in all, some 5 million people are said to have been taught the maharishi's techniques since 1955. Disciplines paid US$2,500 for a five-day course, learning how to reach a " deeper level " of consciousness by inwardly repeating a mantra twice a day for 20 minutes.
Great Seer Maharishi is a true phenomenon.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
5 Ways to Save your Car Petrol
1) Always plan your route before you set off;
2) Change your driving habit (example do not step too hard or too often on the accelerator);
3) Do not drive with full load of items inside your car. Travel light;
4) Do not drive with full tank of petrol; and
5) Cut down the warm up duration before you set off example from 10 minutes to 5 minutes.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Windows to your Soul
It is amazing as we awoke each day, we are able to see God wondrous creation in front of us. The field on the grass is still as green as ever yet nobody tender to it.
I am always thankful for each day... a new beginning and a new start of the day.
The poem from Ralph Waldo Trine has always enliven me :
Let there be many windows in your soul
That all the glory of the universe
May beautiful it. Not the narrow pane
Of one poor creed can catch the radiant rays
That shine from countless sources. Tear away
That blinds of superstition; let the light
Pour through fair windows broad as truth itself
And high as Heaven.
Why should the spirit peer
Through some priest-curtained office, and
Along dim corridors of doubt,when all
The splendour from unfathomed seas of
Might bathe it with their golden seas of love ?
Sweep up the debris of decaying faiths,
Sweep down the cobwebs of worn-out beliefs,
And throw your soul wide open to the light
Of reason and of knowledge. Tune your ear
To all the wordless music of the stars,
And to the voice of nature, and your heart
Shall turn to truth and goodness, as the plant
Turns to the sun. A thousand unseen hands
Reach down to help you from their peace-crowned heights,
And all the forces of the firmament
Shall fortify your strength. Be not afraid
To thrust aside half-truths and grasp the whole.