Ode to your Soul

Ode to your Soul
Welcome to my homepage. The image of the picture was captured during my trip to Melbourne in October 2007.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happiness is not the accumulation or sum of many possession that we have.

The happiest person don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything that they have.

If you take a close look into their lifestyle; they live simply, give generously and speak passionately about life.

Very often in our life, we hold on to "excess luggage" we thought that we needs them (example possession of an expensive watch or a posh car) to make us feel secure. However, do we need them to make us feel "good".

Friday, March 27, 2009

No one is guaranteed of tomorrow.
Today, in all its beauty, is all we have.

Have you join in the Earth day on 28 March 2009 to do something
to conserve energy, switch off the electricity and go green.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Destiny is in your own Hand

You are captain of your own soul, master of your own fate.

If the past is not perfect; do not be despair.

The experience that you encountered could be your greatest teacher.

We become wiser after the past mistakes that we made.

Do you agree ? Don't let setback ruin your day !

Take charge and control your own life NOW!

Tell yourself that you have the ability to change your destiny.

It is in your own hand.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Giving Hope to Others

"Love is giving the best we have."

- Mother Teresa

Always rationalise what is the means and the ends of doing anything in life. If you can reconcile the means and ends, do it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Inspirational Poem by William Penn

"I expect to pass through life but once.
If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show,
or any good thing I can do to any fellow being,
let me do it now, as I shall not pass this way again. "

William Penn

Saturday, March 14, 2009

John Paul II on Love

"Authentic love is not a vague sentiment or a blind passion. It is an inner attitude that involves the whole human being. It is looking at others, not to use them but to serve them. It is the ability to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and to suffer with those who are suffering. It is sharing what one possesses so that no one may continue to be deprived of what he needs. Love, in a word, is the gift of self. " - John Paul II on Love.

You are not poor, if you have something to give. Think of something that you have not done for a long time, like joining a voluntary welfare organisations group or helping your parents to do spring cleaning at home. Offer your service from the heart.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Divine Purpose

Every life form on this earth has a purpose. No matter how insignificant whether it is mammal or insect, or how little you think you are, we are all part of His handiwork created by God.

There is a definite divine purpose for each and every form of life. Have you find it... ... Have you discover it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Transforming Mindsets in our workplace

" We will bring a mindset change among Singaporeans. We must get away from the idea that it is only the people at the top who should be thinking and the job of everyone else is to do as told. Instead, we want to bring about a spirit of innovation, of learning by doing, of everyone each at his own level all the time asking how he can do his job better. "

Prime Minister Mr Goh Chok Tong, at the launch of the 7th International Conference on Thinking in June 1997.

Organisation is working with people and is about people, so take the lead.

Is Your Managerial Skills Acceptable ?

Delegation without leading is useless;

"Cheap" Talk without action means nothing;

Real Power does not equate to control.

Re-look at your managerial and supervisory management today, do you need to change?

Revisit it again. Try to let go of the myth of controlling. Sometimes, give your subordinates a little breathing space will make a difference. Why ? So that they can become authentic and be their real self.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Honourable Dr Patch Adams

We heard more bad news each day as we turn the newspaper... ...social tensions and fear of recession crimes might be on the up. The appalling economic crisis is getting worst with many companies being hit. Gloomy job market seem to be here to stay for quite a while.

The magnitude of the financial tsunami is a cause of concern to almost everyone on the street and no wonder it has been the most discussed topic in the town.

How we brace this crisis is a clear reflection how we treat our life. Do we face the reality or do we run away from it.

I suggest that if you need to uplift your gloomy day, you should log on to http://www.patchadams.org to find true inspiration.

I have always admired the great deeds done by Honourable Dr Patch Adams who is a great American physician, social activist, citizen diplomat, professional clown, performer, and author. He founded the Gesundheit! Institute in 1972. Do you know that each year he organizes a group of volunteers from around the world to travel to various countries where they dress as clowns, to bring hope and joy to orphans, patients, and the people.

Hear his story... log on to his website.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rainbow Connection

Did you manage to see the gorgeous rainbow on Wednesday, 25 Feb 2009. If you have miss it, check out this picture.

What a beautiful scene amidst the recent fear of job retrenchment and woes to the financial sector in US.

There are still plenty of optimism in the air. Next time when you see the rainbow, make a wish !