Ode to your Soul

Ode to your Soul
Welcome to my homepage. The image of the picture was captured during my trip to Melbourne in October 2007.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Have Contentment in our life

In our tight job market and appalling economy, we should be content that we stay in a job right now.

We should appreciate have contentment in our daily life and not take things for grant. This way, we will be happier knowing that we are still better off than some people who are struggling in their life, example, fighting a long illness or recovering from a car accident.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Deliver your Promise

Delivering our promise to someone should be marked as an important responsibility to build goodwill and confidence in others in the long run.

Have you failed in your promise... think again...what have you lost !

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Still Our Mind

We have many flights of fleeting thoughts each day. Most of us are worry about work, family and whether we earn enough.

We can learn to still our mind each day, sit down,relax and take a deep breathe. Do not challenge the thought, let the thought come to you and watch each thought akin like watching a movie; slowly it will disappear. Practise each day and take a walk into the nature. You will experience the difference.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I dreamed a Dream

Do you know that " I dreamed a Dream " from Les Miserables is the most watched music clip on the internet.

Get a original recording Now produced by Rhino, a Warner Music Group Company. The CD contains 32 others - soulful angelic voices and inspirational song titles.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Discover the meanings of Life

The first essential step towards discovering the meanings of life is to know yourself example knowing who we were and what truly matters to us.

We should also learn to reconnect with ourselves, discovering the missing jigsaw puzzle that gives us the zest in life to be awake every morning.

We should also learn to forgive ourselves for the past mistakes that we have made. Forget the past misery, accept oneself and letting go of the bad experiences and memories.

We have to learn to recognise our strengths and have positive thinking.

Most importantly, take some time to invest in yourself, you will be surprised with what you will discover.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Treasure the Experience

Many colours form the fabric of our human tapestry. Each varied threads weaving together are akin to our experience that we have accumulated over the years.

We are lucky if we have a mentor that guide or counsel us through our formative years. Or a role model that spend time to coach us.

Treasure each and every experience that help to mould us to what we are now. Each unique experience will help us grow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Positive Thinking



Monday, June 1, 2009

Aquarama International Ornamental Fish and Accessories Exhibition 2009

I was busy over the weekend attending the Aquarama Interntional Ornamental Fish and Accessories Exhibition at Suntec.

Did you miss it ? The next one will be in 2-year times on 26- 29 May 2011 at Suntec Singapore.

In fact, this year exhibition has been slightly scale down and the number of participating outlets has significant reduced.

There were some cheap sales on last day on Sunday. It is a eye-opener for me to catch some prized guppies, betta, goldfish and dragonfish on show.