Ode to your Soul

Ode to your Soul
Welcome to my homepage. The image of the picture was captured during my trip to Melbourne in October 2007.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Enjoy this moment ... Be happy

Yesterday is history and gone;

Today is Now to behold; and

Tomorrow is our hope and our dreams.

Enjoy this moment ... and be happy Always !

Life is Eternal

Life is too short for regrets.

Life is eternal.

Start the New Year with less worries;

More kindness thoughts;

More smiles each day; and

More laughter.

A happy and blessed 2009 !

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Running the long race in Life

How do you sustain your stamina and keep on running the long race in life ? Here are some tips :

1) It has to start with you. To program yourself - to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative ;

2) Laugh it out ;

3) Celebrate small wins or victories;

4) Learn how to relax;

5) Talk it out - share with your close friends your problems;

6) Don't sweat the small stuff;

7) Forgive your own mistakes;

8) Be happy with what you have NOW;

9) Get enough rest;

10) Adopt a positive or a new attitude;

11) Be healthy and watch your diet; and lastly

12) Never take yourself too serious and just be yourself.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Be Happy Always

Always Count your Blessings and not your Troubles;

Understand the situation, take a break and change your thoughts / bad habits;

Channel positive thoughts, talk happiness and think of happy moments.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


"Unlike other resources, time cannot be bought or sold,
borrowed, or stolen, stocked up or saved, manufactured, reproduced, or modified.
All we can do is made use of it. And whether we use it or not, nevertheless slips away."

- Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Book Review on "Living the Singapore Dream " by Mr Tan Yong Soon

"Living the Singapore Dream " is an extraordinary book, a truly good read for someone who needs inspirational messages.

I suggest that if you have done your Christmas shopping yet, grab one ! I have read twice and I am enjoying every moment.

This book is written by Mr Tan Yong Soon, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources.

I particular impressed by the quote (pg 44 : It makes a difference to be noticed early, as that propels one's career forward. It helps to be at the right place at the right time, but the sure way to get noticed is to do well in whatever task we are assigned. While it is important to have ambitions and dreams, we should not be obsessed with promotion or rewards and honours. Always seek to contribute and add value to the job at hand so as to make a difference. Good work gets noticed. Water will find its level.

It is without doubt an extremely engaging book written with passion !

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Childhood Dream

All alone, up on the hills, lost in faraway thoughts,
of fairies, magic and childhood dreams.
As if magic exists,
Flowers, hazel eyes, she appeared to me.
Something mystical, unspeakable filled my heart,
so natural we were both meant to be.
Fate, I thought was behind this
or perhaps chance had a hand on it.
To bring about a match to move the heavens.
Alas, it was not to be.
Cruelty seems to win the day.
Romeo and Juliet was who we were meant to be
Farewell, my love ... ...
and to what may have been.

- Author, a childhood friend who shares this beautiful poem with me many years ago

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Your New Year's Resolution

If you have only three days to live, what would you do ?

Would you treasure each day ever more and live like there is no more tomorrow.

This is the attitude that you should approach live.

Why ?

We waste so much time despairing about the past which are gone and over !

We sometimes worry about the future and about life uncertainties example venturing into the unknown. Since you do not know the eventual outcome, why waste your time to ponder hard on issues that might not happen at all !

Why not ?

Treasure each day and live it to the fullest like there is no tomorrow and waste no time. Take Action NOW !

Make it your New Year's resolution.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

You have one life, Live it well !

If you have followed my blog closely, you will realise that I have inserted an additional header posting

"You have one life, Live it well !
一生, 活出精彩 ! "

Many people quoted that " Happier times are often short-lived." but if you do not treasure the day that come by, you have nothing.

You are not poor, if you are not rich,

Most poor people are happy... Do you know why ? Cos each new day, they have a treasure to distribute -" LOVE". If we don't give it, we lose it. If we share it, our Lord multiplies it.

Poor People normally live within their means. They have a passion for life. You have right NOW to treasure. Time cannot halt !