Ode to your Soul

Ode to your Soul
Welcome to my homepage. The image of the picture was captured during my trip to Melbourne in October 2007.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What do you do when things seem to always go against you ?

What do you do when you challenge life, life always wins ?

Would you be despair and begin to give up hope easily... ...

Think about it. Life is too short for any regret or despair. This is a tell sign that you need to change your attitude or ways of doing things or change an old habit.

Slowly and surely, after you have changed your attitude, ways of conducting business or change an old habit. Things seem to change. Life suddenly begins to support you. It is too similar to an old saying " In every obstacle, there lies an opportunity." An opportunity that arrives disguised as an obstacle or a disaster often bind us to see the truth. It is all about your attitude. How you handle life is what you make out what life will bring to you.

So always start today with a positive mindset. I always say the following phrase to myself and it has kept me going through the years :

Problems are only challenges;
Obstacles are only lessons in life;
Impossibles are only imitation.

Begin take charge of your life NOW !

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