Ode to your Soul

Ode to your Soul
Welcome to my homepage. The image of the picture was captured during my trip to Melbourne in October 2007.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Your New Year's Resolution

If you have only three days to live, what would you do ?

Would you treasure each day ever more and live like there is no more tomorrow.

This is the attitude that you should approach live.

Why ?

We waste so much time despairing about the past which are gone and over !

We sometimes worry about the future and about life uncertainties example venturing into the unknown. Since you do not know the eventual outcome, why waste your time to ponder hard on issues that might not happen at all !

Why not ?

Treasure each day and live it to the fullest like there is no tomorrow and waste no time. Take Action NOW !

Make it your New Year's resolution.

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